Presentation skills

Target group Call center and other leaders (Supervisors, Team leaders, junior managers, back ups, others)
Target members 6 persons (is possible to adapt by client needs)
Trainings hours 2 days (include breaks)
Target of training Target is stress factors elimination (before and during presentation), how to prepare target oriented and interesting presentation. Ability to sell general idea, goal, vizion by vizual, verbal, non verbal form, how tu use body language and contact with focus group. How to use tell – tell – tell method and sell target logicaly and with structure to different levels of targer group and how to sort objections, questions, situations and feed back to our presentation. *trainings are based on practical exercises and model situations.


Presentation skills

  • How to start?
  • Presentation rules? *
  • How to make it interesting? *
  • How to sell idea and targer? *
  • How to sell to different levels of target group? *
  • How to keep them interested and interactive? *
  • How to ?
  • How to sort objections and questions?
  • How to dont have “window” ? *
  • How to be stress resistant before and during presentation? *
  • How to handle timing and structure?
  • How to ensure “get the message” and understanding?
  • How to avoid mistakes? *
  • How to check effect of our presentation?
  • How to get feed back?

After discussion with client should be content, time, target group adapted by needs.