Stress management

Target group all employees
Target members 7 persons (is possible to adapt by client needs)
Trainings hours 1 day (included breaks and lunch pause)
Target of training Targets is to identify stressors, indicators, use energy and self power for stress resistance, learn to relax. Additionally be able to predict and solve conflicts, assertively negotiate in interpersonal relationships at work and avoid to burnout. *trainings are based on practical exercises a model situations.


How to be stress resistant

  • What does stress means
  • Stressors anf stress levels
  • Indicators of stress
  • Prevention and stress resistance
  • Interpersonal stressors
  • Key points of conflicts
  • Interpersonal conflicts management
  • Constructive argument
  • Manipulation and asertivity
  • Burnout
  • Balance, regeneration and relaxation techniques
  • Psychical growth

After discussion with client should be content, time, target group adapted by needs.